Elevating Local Partner Marketing

The Goal
Rocket Pro TPO partners with local brokers, community banks, and credit unions to offer competitive, personal mortgage solutions. They drive better results with performance-optimized technology tailored to their client’s needs. With over 7,000+ partners and a Rocket Pro TPO team of 450, they’re positioned to support and grow business like never before.

The Challenge
Rocket Pro TPO set itself apart in the wholesale market through its ties to Rocket Mortgage technology and lightning-fast turnaround times, but the competition was pulling away with great marketing tools, end-to-end solutions, and other amenities. At the same time, while video dominates the social marketing scene, most TPO partners are not technically savvy and lack the time to commit to video marketing. Rocket Pro TPO was able to offer advice and marketing help, but did not have an easy way to make truly custom video creative for each individual partner.

Enter Waymark
Rocket Pro TPO teamed up with Waymark to address this creative gap and together curated a collection of videos made specifically for its partners. A quick, anyone-can-edit video tool meant video creative could be personalized in less than three minutes. All a team member or partner needed was some basic information like a logo and business name.
Larry Williams, National Account Executive says, “I personally love the videos so it's been fun sharing them with my partners, it’s just super easy to use!” National TPO Account Executives were making videos for relevant partners as an added value to the relationship with the same video templates and videos boasting TPO’s exclusive promotions, such as their Jumbo Loans, ARM products and Industry leading Mortgage Insurance. No wholesale mortgage competitor was capable of producing video marketing at this scale.
Paul Yatooma, Rocket Pro TPO’s VP of Sales raved that “stronger partner relationships are being forged through these custom videos. Thanks to the Waymark team, we have been able to quickly create template videos for our sales team in support of our partners. In a market that is fast paced and ever changing, it is extremely important to work with a team that moves with speed. In just a few short months we have seen tremendous success rolling this out to over 450+ end users.”
The Results
In just May of 2021, Rocket Pro TPO Account Executives created over 4,200 personalized videos for their partners. Waymark videos are also popping up on partner websites, in direct email marketing between clients, and shared on social media through friends and family. Waymark and Rocket Pro TPO are strengthening the bond and brand between Account Executives, partners, and their clients, making it more likely they’ll choose TPO.

It’s always a very positive experience. The videos are easy to create and offer professional quality. The partner appreciates any additional opportunities to promote their company or their realtors who are sending them consistent business. With the market slowing to offer quality FREE advertising is EXTREMELY powerful!
Rocket Pro TPO
My experience using Waymark has been fantastic. Easy to use and share with my partners. They have really enjoyed the videos as another tool to help them market themselves.
Rocket Pro TPO
My partners love the videos! Typically they use these videos during promotions – like emailing to prospective borrowers, posting on social media, or putting it right on their website. I’ve made a personal video for myself to use when introducing myself to new partners which is getting a lot of great feedback!
Rocket Pro TPO